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Murder/ manslaughter juvenile prisoners escape Sophia detention facility then recaptured

Quick response and action from an anti-crime patrol from the police Regional Division 4A resulted in four juvenile prisoners being recaptured within one hour of their escape.

The four young men escaped from the Juvenile Detention Facility on Dennis Street, Sophia.

Given the child protection act, we are unable to display the faces, names or addresses of the young men who are all below the ages of 18. They have been in the holding facility for offences including murder, manslaughter and robbery under arms.

The escape occurred just after 02:30 hrs on Saturday morning and by 03:30 hours, they were already falling into the hands of the police, ready to be taken back to into custody.

Police sources confirmed that the young men were found in Pike Street Kitty which is located a stone’s throw from the detention facility they broke out of.

It is unclear what sort of security measures are in place at the facility but breakouts are nothing new and so too seems the inability or reluctance of the powers that be to ensure that the facility is properly policed and secured to keep detainees within.