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Two policemen busted with cocaine, marijuana and ammunition

The cocaine on a scale being weighed by police detectives

Two policemen who were in a car driven by a civilian while going through a roadblock at Cove and John Public Road early Monday morning, were arrested for possession or narcotic for the purpose or trafficking and unlawful possession of ammunition.

The car in which the policemen, civilian and narcotics were.

At around 02:30hrs, motorcar PAB 7863 rolled up at the police roadblock. The two policemen were passengers inside.

The civilian driver identified himself as Sheldon Benjamin while the other two identified themselves as policemen, Constable Julius Cambridge and Constable Albert Beresford respectively.

However, the policemen conducting the roadblock observed that their colleagues inside the car were acting in a suspicious manner. The driver of the car was then ordered to pull to the shoulder of the road where a search was conducted on them all and the vehicle.

The items which the police found in the car

It was while searching the vehicle that the police discovered a bag with the marijuana and another bag with the cocaine. A further check of the vehicle found a quantity or 9mm and .32 ammunition.

Constable Albert Beresford is stationed at the Clonbrook Police Outpost and Police Constable Julius Cambridge is stationed at the at the Cane Grove Police Station.