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Teen shot dead in Lusignan Auto Sales showroom

Police detectives on the East Coast Demerara are investigating the circumstances surrounding the shooting death of 19 Year Old Jared Jaganand of Martys Vill, Mon Repose, East Coast Demerara.

The incident took place in the building of a Auto Sales which was formerly referred to as Salena Auto Sales.

It is being reported that the young man and a security guard were sitting across the room from each other when a loud explosion was heard.

Businessman Shafeer Khan and his wife told detectives that they were in their office when they heard the explosion.

They said they exited their office, and saw Jared laying on the floor and the security only told them he was shot.

There was no proper explanation given to the police on what transpired and that prompted the police to remove the NVR from the premises  so it can be reviewed throughly.

The security guard is said to be employed by Cerberus Security Service.

Just earlier this week, Home Affairs Minister Benn ordered the seizure of firearms from OPSS Security Firm after one of its guard borrowed a gun from another guard and shot his ex girlfriend’s twin sister.

The police on Thursday seized a 12 gauge shotgun. The investigations into this shooting incident are ongoing.