

Amidst an avalanche of media reports surrounding the date of birth, date of enlistment and retirement period for Deputy Commissioner Law Enforcement otherwise Lyndon Alves otherwise referred to as the Crime Chief, the issue has gotten the attention of the Ministry of Public Security more so the Minister himself.

Contacted by the BIG Smith Crime Watch on Tuesday morning, Minister Ramjattan was asked about the ministry’s position on the issue and how it is being addressed.

According to the Public Security Minister, he was concerned when he first saw the reports and he instructed his Permanent Secretary to check the records to ascertain the true nature of what has been in the public domain.

Based on records which were checked at the birth registration department, the Deputy Commissioner is expected to retire from the force in 2020 and not 2019 as is being suggested.

Ramjattan further stated that log books which were checked have been found to have information about the births of other persons recorded directly and immediately after the name of Alves and there appears to have been no tampering or altering of original log book entries to suggest that anything might have been change with respect to the information that was originally recorded at the time of birth of Lyndon Alves.

Ramjattan went further to state that persons should not be concerned about enlistment date of an individual into the police force, the important thing, he stressed, is when they attain the age of retirement.

“When they join the job is not what is important, when they are supposed to retire based on their age is what is important, and if there is a need for recommendation for an extension that has to go to the president but in this case, there is none because the gentleman has not yet attained the age of retirement” Ramjattan told the BIG Smith Crime Watch.

A very close associate to the Deputy Commissioner of Police confirmed to the BIG Smith Crime Watch that the senior police officer also granted access to his records through the birth registration office, to a journalist last week.

This was after the officer was asked to respond reports in the public’s domain and which reportedly came from within the force, he faked his date of birth.

In the meantime, while the speculations continue, the Minister of Public Security has now added his voice, Alves remains in the job and the work of the force continues.

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