
Opp Leader accuses govt of hijacking “Private Members Day” as Parliament resumes

Harmon warns against making squatters refugees in their own country

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon has accused the government of hijacking “Private Members Day” in the National Assembly. Private Members Day in Parliament is allocated in the standing orders for the order of precedence to be given to private members business. A private member is a member who is not a Minister.

Monday’s sitting of the National Assembly is expected to see debate on the No Confidence motions against the Ministers of Health & Home Affairs, a motion on the Gas to Shore project and a motion on Natural Gas Flaring at the Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited among other motions.

“Instead of these substantive issues being addressed the Speaker and the PPP have reduced the Private Members Sitting to the Members of Parliament receiving written responses to questions that were asked of the Ministers by Members of the Opposition,” Harmon said in a statement issued just as the National Assembly was expected to convene.

The Opposition Leader feels that the government “has sunk to another low,” as he accused the government of hijacking the rest of the sitting to deal with “their business.”

“Just a few days ago you had Ali addressing world leaders on the subject of democracy when he himself is a walking contradiction of what democracy really is, the PPP’S hypocrisy knows no bounds.”

The Opposition Leader accused the government of ensuring that its main business is “placed on the shelf.”