
Minister and family temporarily moved into hotel to fix roof at his home

Minister of Works Juan Edghill says his temporary stay at a city hotel did not incur any expenses that the government would have to pay for. The Minister recently moved from El Dorado Inn in the city after reportedly spending a few days at the hotel with his family.

“Why is that becoming an issue? it had nothing to do with government, no government expense, no request for anything, my mother, sisters, niece and everybody who came for my sister who died from covid, we stayed at a hotel,” the minister said when questioned by this publication about his hotel move in.

On Monday, when asked about the Minister’s stay at the hotel, Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs Gail Texeria, while directing questions to the Minister said that Minister Edghill’s home was under construction, “the whole ceiling (of his home), the roof had problems, major problems and so water was just pouring in this rainy season, so they did that while the men were working on the roof and the ceiling,” she said.

When asked, the Works Minister said that as his family came from overseas and stayed at a hotel, he “took the opportunity to fix my roof and other things at my house.”

The Minister pointed out that the state “had nothing to do with whether I stayed or did not stay at a hotel,” as he said that he never requested a government house and has no intention of requesting such, “I was in government before as you are aware, and at all material times, I live at (redacted) Sugar Cane Street, South Ruimveldt Gardens,” the minister stated.