
Man at centre of US, Canadian visa scam released on $400,000 bail

A 46-year-old man accused of dishonesty claiming he was in a position to acquire Canadian and US visas for four persons has been charged and released on $400,000 bail.

Kwese Lewis appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Monday to answer four charges.

Particulars of the first charge stated that between September 22, 2022 and February 21, 2023, at Georgetown, Lewis obtained $152,000 from Evans Stoby and her grandson Jaden Williams by falsely pretending that he was in the position to acquire a Canadian visa.

It is further alleged that between August, 20, 2022 and January 23, 2023, at Georgetown, he obtained the sum of $157,000 from Tonette Glen and her grandson Jeremiah Carter, by falsely pretending that he was in the position to acquire an American visa.

According to another charge, Lewis, between September 1, 2022 and October 19, 2022, acquired US$2,045 from Andrew Nepaul, by falsely pretending that he was in the position to acquire an American visa for his brother Chris Nepaul.

And finally, it is alleged that on 10th August, 2022, at Charlotte Street, Georgetown, he defrauded Chris Nepaul of a sum of $60,000 by falsely pretending that he was in a position to acquire an American visa for him.

Although the Police prosecutor raised serious objections to Lewis being granted bail, the presiding Magistrate granted the defendant cash bail on the condition that he report to the Brickdam Police Station every Friday at 09:00 am pending the hearing and determination of a trial.

Lewis’s matters will continue on June 5.

Just recently, the US Embassy in Georgetown warned members of the public that they must “think twice” when seeking the services of third-party preparers/visa service providers in light of there being an increase in these persons creating fake visa appointment letters and charging exorbitant fees “for visa services that you can otherwise do yourself”.

“Visa consultants cannot improve your chances of qualifying for a visa and they have no “inside” connection with the Embassy. Your eligibility is determined by a consular officer after a visa interview.  Report anyone who claims to improve your chances of qualifying for a visa to [email protected],” the US Embassy has reiterated in its “Ask the Consul” monthly column.