
GWI launches CReW+ Guyana Project

The Guyana Water Inc launched the Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management+ Guyana Project (CReW+.

Present were Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, and the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, Stephanie Ziebell.

The CReW+ Guyana Project aims to support local efforts in improving water quality and sanitation in Guyana through an integrated approach to water and wastewater management, using innovative solutions and promoting financing mechanisms.

One of the key areas of focus under the project is the upgrade of the sewage network and the construction of a biodigester in Kwakwani, a community of about 2,500 residents located up the Berbice River.

This biodigester will provide energy to the sewage plant, helping to improve the wastewater management in the area.

The Linden Water Infrastructure Programme will also receive support from the CReW+Guyana Project, with a focus on reducing water losses and improving access to treated water for all residents in Linden.

Additionally, efforts will be made to protect vital water sources through stakeholder training to ensure proper management.

A portion of the fund from the CReW+ Project will also be utilized to protect the water source at West Wokoota, which GWI plans to exploit soon in order to reduce reliance on the Demerara River.

Other initiatives under the CReW+Guyana Project include the establishment of a National Electronic Database that will guide GWI in its strategic plan to protect groundwater resources and other water sources, as well as measure sewage outflows into the Demerara River. Furthermore, a wastewater treatment plant will be constructed in Georgetown.

Minister Croal commended the project, stating that it supports national efforts to improve the quality of life for citizens and contributes to the achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6, which focuses on clean water and sanitation. Guyana aims to achieve SDG 6 by 2025, five years ahead of the UN’s 2030 target. The CReW+Guyana Project is expected to play a crucial role in helping Guyana reach this goal.

(From the Guyana Water Incorporated)