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Gail gets red as Burnham/Granger images display during PAC meeting.

A sitting of the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee on Monday morning, swayed away from normal business for about ten minutes to address the discomfort of Minister of Governance Gail Teixeira, also a member of the PAC.

The PAC was at the time scrutinizing the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development based on issues raised in the Auditor General’s Report. When the committee comprising government and opposition Members of Parliament reached the accounts of Region 3, Former Regional Executive Officer Denis Jaikaran appeared virtually.

During his appearance, his background was filled with books; among the lot, one written by Former President of Guyana Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham. The book titled ‘A Destiny to Mould’ carries the face of Forbes Burnham. Further, there was a framed photograph of Jaikaran and Former President David Arthur Granger seated. Jaikaran was also clad in a purple shirt. On that shirt, Jaikaran wore a button with Former President Burnham’s face.

Member Teixeira said the display behind Jaikaran during his appearance before the Public Accounts Committee was partisan and called on the committee to frown on such practices.

However, her objection was met with rebuke from fellow PAC committee members Juretha Fernandes and David Patterson.

Fernandes said the images of Granger and Burnham are Former Presidents of Guyana. Patterson for his part said the PAC should be grateful that Jaikaran agreed to appear as requested, he stressed that several persons have in the past been requested to appear before the PAC and failed to show up.

Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee Jermaine Figueira said he as Chairman of the PAC has no difficulty with the background of Jaikaran. He further noted that Jaikaran appeared in his capacity as a private citizen and once any person appearing before the PAC does not come in a nude fashion, they can come as they are.

Minister Teixeira maintained that the committee is a public one and that there should be no partisan display