
Doctor arrested over breaching COVID-19 guidelines by hosting wedding

A medical doctor who Police alleges breached the COVID-19 guidelines by hosting a wedding, has been arrested and released on self-bail pending further investigations.

Forty-three-year-old Dr. Ravindranauth Persaud of Lot 52 Patentia, West Bank Demerara was arrested around 12:30 hrs today at his home.

According to information, three police ranks on motorcycles were patrolling Patentia Public Road, West Bank Demerara when they observed a large crowd gathered at a house.

The ranks went to inquire and were told a wedding was in session. As a result, the host, Dr. Persaud was arrested for breaching of COVID-19 restrictions.

Soon after his arrest, the crowd began to disperse while a few began using a series of abusive language towards the ranks.  While at the station, Dr. Persaud was placed on self bail and instructed to return to the station later this month.