
$25.4M earned for high-value crops in 2023

The Agriculture Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme (AIEP) in Guyana, launched in January 2022, has proven to be a significant driver of economic growth and employment, particularly in the production of high-value crops.


As of December 2023, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha revealed that the program has generated an impressive $25.4 million.


According to a report from the Department of Public Information, during the year-end press conference on December 30, 2023, Minister Mustapha highlighted the innovative nature of the project. Young agriculturalists have been incorporated as shareholders in a company formed through the AIEP, resulting in earnings surpassing $25 million.


These young individuals will benefit from dividends, providing them with incentives to actively engage in the agricultural sector.


The government’s commitment to fostering growth in the agriculture industry is evident through ongoing initiatives. In 2023 alone, 90 new shade houses were completed, contributing to a total of 365 shade houses since 2021. The focus on constructing shade houses and cultivating high-value crops continues across various regions in the country.


Notably, over 70% of the youths participating in the AIEP have successfully transitioned into entrepreneurship.


The National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) in Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, plays a pivotal role in this success story. Within its 54 shade houses, a diverse range of high-value crops such as lettuce, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, chilli peppers, kale, mint, celery, cilantro, and parsley are being cultivated, showcasing the program’s positive impact on agricultural diversification and innovation.

(Source DPI)