Doctor Brian O’Toole, director of School of the Nations and Nations University was shot three times Sunday evening at his Bel-Air Promenade Home at approximately 21.40 hrs, his wife has confirmed to the BIG Smith Crime Watch.
According to Mrs. O’Toole, she was inside their house when she heard the gunshots and raced to the front door where she was greeted with her husband’s injury.
The woman explained that Dr. O’Toole had just returned from dinner and was making his way into the house when the incident took place.
One police source indicated that based on the nature of the incident, the movements of the director might have been monitored either by him being trailed or by someone staking out his home.
The BIG Smith Crime was told that while Dr. O’Toole is being taken into theater at this point, he is out of danger.
His shooting comes hours after he and his school’s administration met with a large number of parents and students of the school where they were reassured of safety measures being implemented to ensure the safety and welfare of students and teachers alike while at campus.
That assurance was necessary following threats which appeared on social media and directed to the school and its population were made both last week and again this weekend.
On Sunday at the meeting, the school’s administration made it clear that they were taking the threats which also named one teacher of the school, very seriously.
The person(s) making the threats pointed out that there is a ‘Plethora’ of them who have been hurt and overlooked by the school and taken for granted. The threats also cautioned students about showing up for classes this week.
Last week the school had cause to expel a student who took to Social Media claiming that he was going to bring harm to students.
That student was handed over to the police and his home reportedly searched for offensive weapons but nothing was found.
It is unclear if that student has since been re-engaged by the police following this latest development.
Funny enough tho, prior to the meeting on Sunday, there was a social media post by the person(s) issuing the threats that they were aware that a meeting was scheduled for Sunday and that they would also be at that very meeting.
Brian O’Toole made it clear that he was not going to close the doors to his school not even for a day or two to facilitate the sweeping of the facility aimed at detecting any concealed offensive weapons.
The director said that the sweeping of the school for those weapons (if any has been concealed on the school premises) can be done and would be just as effective with the school’s population on campus just as if it were done with them off of campus.