More arrests made in Henry/Singh murders
The police have made another set of arrests in relation to the Henry and Haresh Singh murders. These were made after information was received as a direct response to the Force’s public appeal and its offer of a $3 million reward. These persons remain in police custody and are assisting the police with its investigations Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said. The Crime Chief described the response to the public appeal for information as “positive” as the police were able to effect these arrests.
The police are hoping to crack the two-month-old murder cases with its incentivised appeal for information as it said investigators continue to diligently explore every possible lead to bring the killers of the teenage boys to justice. The incentivised appeal was described as an “admission of failure” by lawyer for the Henry boys, Nigel Hughes. Hughes in a press conference had pointed the sloth in the police investigation and some missed opportunities the Force may have had handling aspects of the cases.
Even as these arrests have been made the Guyana Human Rights Association has embarked on a public funding raising effort aimed at covering the costs of bringing a team of forensic experts from the Argentine Team of Forensic Anthropology. So far, the body has raised $1.2 million in pledges. It has asked persons to hold on transferring monies to it until the government has clarified its position on GHRA”s request for government’s assistance of 50% of the financing.
The Human Rights body feels that the foreign forensic team can assist with the cases and their resolution which can “contribute to ethnic reconciliation” in the country.